Siobhan Lynch sings on two tracks from the 1997 Recoil LP, ‘Unsound Methods’ – ‘Drifting’ and ‘Missing Piece’.
Born and raised in South London, she eventually moved to Nottingham. Dismissed as “rubbish” by her art teacher, she gave up her aspirations to become a painter and took up singing instead, experimenting with differing musical styles before recording her own demo tape. She released a dark version of ‘Staying Alive’ in 1996 before working with Alan in 1997.
On becoming involved with Recoil, Siobhan explains: “I first met Alan Wilder when John Chapman at Island sent my demo to him. I rang Alan who explained everything and then sent me some work in progress on a DAT. I thought the music was lush and lovely so I wrote some words and sent it back to him on the same tape. When Alan was ready, I popped down to his pad for a few days and stuck down a take or two.”